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Heidelberg Township Public Information Policy

This policy will delineate the procedures for posting of public information.


Public Information: That readily available information concerning pending actions before the Board of Supervisors, such as, but not limited to, the Township budget, fee schedules, pending ordinances, or pending resolutions. This does not include any record or file that is not readily available, such as invoices, bills, or minutes.

Pending Resolution: Any resolution to be acted upon, or is open for discussion by the Board of Supervisors at the next Supervisors meeting or that meeting.

Pending Ordinances: Any ordinance that has been approved for advertisement, or is open for discussion by the Board of Supervisors at the Supervisors meeting or a future meeting.


  • The office staff will provide a three ring binder to contain the annual budget, current fee schedule, pending resolutions, pending ordinances, and other material that may be of immediate interest to the public.
  • Material will stay in the binder until acted upon by the Board of Supervisors, is superseded, or no longer valid.
  • The binder will be stored under the front counter. Requests to see the information contained within the binder will be honored immediately.
  • The binder will be taken to all Board of Supervisors meetings and made available on the front staff table.
  • Requests to copy any material within the binder will be charged in accordance with the current fee schedule.
  • Sufficient copies of meeting minutes and agendas will be made available to the public prior to each meeting.  Additional copies of the minutes and agendas will be provided up until ten minutes prior to the scheduled meeting time.
  • Copies of draft ordinances or materials will be made available on the township website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.  If this is not possible, five copies of the material will be made available on the front desk prior to the meeting on a first come, first serve basis.  Additional copies of the material/ordinances will always be available in the information binder during normal business hours and at the meeting.

Adopted by the Board of Supervisors 11/12/09