Local businesses are owned by our friends and neighbors, and are at the heart of our community, bringing much needed services close to home. This page has links to resources that may be helpful for local businesses. If there is a resource you don’t see listed that should be, please let us know and we can add it.
Small Business Grants:
- Pennsylvania State Loans/Grants Database: For a comprehensive look at loans, grants and more from the state of Pennsylvania, click HERE.
Other Business Resources:
- Penn State Cooperative Extension: Most people think Agriculture when they think of the “Extension”, but they provide much more than just agricultural business support. Most of their educational programs are offered for free or are very low cost. For more information, click HERE.
- PA Business One Stop Shop: Thinking of starting a Small Business? Have a small business and could use a little help? Check out the PA Business One Stop Shop for information on how to get started, creating a business plan, choosing a location, finding funding, and more by clicking HERE.